X-ray Crystallographic Center at University of Maryland currently operates 5 diffractometers located in 3 labs:
Chemical Crystallography
Materials Characterization
Advances Diffraction
Chemical Crystallography lab performs single crystal structure determination using Bruker CCD systems:
Bruker Smart Apex2 diffractometer is equipped with:
- MoKα sealed X-ray tube;
- The newest Apex2 CCD area detector for rapid data collection from crystals;
- Graphite monochromator and Mono cap collimator;
- Motorized detector to crystal distance from 4 to 15 cm;
- CryoStream 700 low temperature system working in 80 K - 400 K range;
- Integrated Apex3 software suit for integration and advanced data treatment.
Mounting Crystals:
The lab is equipped wide field Leica microscope for crystal selection and mounting which is visualized on wall-mounted TV screen;
- Glove box with microscope/TV system for handling air and humidity sensitive crystals;
- Mounting technique used: MiTeGen loops, glass fibers, capillaries, cactus needles, etc.
- Selection of various viscosity oils for handeling and monting crystal medium.
Materials Characterization lab employs powder diffraction using Bruker C2 Discover and D8 Advance systems:
C2/D8 Discover diffractometer with Area detector:
CuKα sealed X-ray tube with graphite Göbbel mirror;
- Vantec 500 area detector for 2D diffraction and high quality patterns from small samples;
- Parallel beam geometry to probe small areas or irregular shaped sample;
- XYZ stage for selecting desired spots and combinatorial screening;
- Capillary spinner for better randomizing crystallite orientation and air sensitive samples;
- Video microscope with laser alignment for precise sample positioning;
- DHS 1200 Hot stage providing high temperature up to 1200°C under vacuum, Ar or N2.
D8 Advance diffractometer with LynxEye and SolX:
Choice of MoKα and CuKα radiation;
- 9 Position sample changer and scatterless sample holders;
- ICDD powder diffraction database and search/match software;
- EVA software for data treatment;
- Advanced TOPAS software for structure refinement.
Advance Diffraction lab includes Small Angle X-ray Scattering and Thin Film Reflectivity systems:
Xenocs Xeuss SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS small angle system:
5 Meter system with CuKα sealed 30W tube high brightness micro-focus source;
- Parallel beam optics and scatterless slits with automatic alignment;
- Variable Sample-to-Detector distance from 10 to 250 cm;
- 300K Dectris Pilatus detector for small angle scattering with a minimum Q = 0.0045 Å-1;
- 100K Dectris Pilatus detector for wide angle scattering (up to about 45° 2q);
- Linkam stage controlling temperature from about -100 °C to 250 °C.
PANalytical XPert Pro MRD system for reflectivity (XRR):
Sealed CuKα sealed tube with parallel beam W-Si mirror;
- Cross slits for incident beam and extra long diffracted beam collimator;
- 4 Circle goniometer with XYZ motions;
- Magnetic stage and tape-free mounting T-holder for wafers;
- Attenuator for direct beam measurement.