Training Programs and workshops are offered throughout the year
NMR winter course: Practical Techniques in Pulse NMR spectroscopy.
- First three weeks in January yearly; one credit course (Chem471)
- Syllabus in January, 2022
NMR workshop: Techniques and Applications with NMR.
- For users who are currently using the instrument in the NMR Center.
- Learn applications with modern NMR methodology.
- Gain access to use advanced NMR 400, 500-solid and 600MHz spectrometers.
- Handouts:
- Basic techniques with high sensitivity spectrometers.
- Solvent suppression.
- Selective NOE.
- Basic NOE review.
Registration form and description of the workshop.
Basic Training Introduction to use the NMR facility — Offered year around.
- The basic entry level is conducted typically by “Peer seniour users” or by NMR T.A.
- Any other levels are conducted by staff members.
- To register:
- Download the training request “registration form” and submit to NMR staff members.
- A mandatory Safety Orientation will be arranged before the user can access the NMR Labs.
Instruction Manuals for UMCP NMR users
- For Users new to Bruker Spectrometers
- Basic NMR Operation Manual of Bruker Spectrometer.
- For Automated Spectrometer users
- Capabilities: H-1, C-13, P31 and F-19 and routine 2D NMR (COSY and HSQC).
- Tutorial offered weekly upon request, detail instruction available automated NMR spectrometer
Further Reading: UMD-NMR Applications & WEB resources.
Data processing
Workstations with Bruker Software: TOPSPIN
- The license is free for academic users with registering @umd.edu email
- User tutorial manual for MNOVA
Last Update: Mar, 2022 FC