Dr. Angela Zeng
Mr. Bowen Shen
Chemistry Ph.D. Defense Seminar
Advisor: Dr. Peter Nemes
Prof. Lai-Sheng Wang
Department Chair
Department of Chemistry
Brown University
Dr. Alex Compton
HIV Dynamics and Replication Program
National Institute of Cancer
Professor Avik Dutt
Mechanical Engineering and IPST
University of Maryland
Mr. Emanuel Attah, MSc (University of Maryland)
2nd Year Literature Seminar
Advisor: Prof. Mike Shi
Prof. Emily Mevers
Department of Chemistry
Virginia Tech
Dr. Dirk Trauner,
Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor of Chemistry & Pharmacology
University of Pennsyvani
Prof. Yanxin Liu
Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Maryland
Prof. Omar Farha,
International Institute for Nanotechnology
Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University
Prof. Lukasz Joachimiak
Center for Alzheimer's and Neurodegenerative Diseases | Biochemistry
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Prof. Ross Wang,
Department of Chemistry, College of Science and Technology
Temple University
Prof. Andy LiWang
Department of Chemistry
Prof. Jennifer Kohler
Department of Biochemistry, Medical School
UT Southwestern Med Center
Prof. Mercedes Taylor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Maryland