User Guide

To become a NMR user of the facility, one needs to

  • complete the new account info form to open an NMR account.
  • agree to abide by the safety policy.

For self-operation

  • New users are strongly recommended to attend NMR courses (CHEM471, BCHM669) provided by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • New user must demonstrate proficiency in practical NMR operation, or attend the NMR training provided by the facility.

NMR Trainings

  1. Basic NMR trainings at BioNMR Facility
    • Experiment set up (2 hours, mandatory to most of new users ):
      • Sample and Experiment Preparations
      • Basic 1D and 2D Experiment Setup
    • CP800 Operation Walk-through (30 mins)
      • File structure and permission differences in Linux system
      • NMR operation differences on CP800 comparing to 600MHz spectrometers at the facility
      • High temperature experiment
  2. Additional training sessions are available upon request.
    • CARA (Computer Aided Resonance Assignment): Project Setup and Spectrum viewing, Sequential Assignment using CARA
    • DOSY Experiment
    • Saturation Transfer Difference Experiment
    • Relaxation Measurements
    • Triple Resonance Experiments for Protein Structure Determination
    • ICONNMR, multiple sample and multiple experiment set-up

Data Processing Computer

A Data Processing computer is available in the lab. Data can be transferred from Spectrometer computers to this computer for further processing and viewing in TopSpin. This computer also has its own IP address to facilitate data transfer to another computer. Details of operation are posted next to it.