Advanced NMR Instrumentation

Feel free to contact us to select the appropriate spectrometers to meet your needs


Bruker AV III 600 MHz (AV600) installed in 2007:

Bruker AV III 600 MHz (AV600)

  • Higher field dispersion and highest sensitivity for polymers, carbohydrates, and natural products NMR projects or very dilute samples
  • Four RF transmitters, configured for nuclei from O-17 to H-1
  • Broad band probe with H-1 decoupling with autotune
  • Inverse probe H-1 (& F-19) with BB decoupling
  • Selective Shape pulse excitation (selective NOE, ROE) at higher field dispersion
  • Best for H-1 2D NMR or dynamic (DOSY) and kinetic projects
  • Typical application for H-1– C-13 2D (HSQC, HMBC, and TOSY-HSQC)
  • Autosampler for loading 24 samples maximum
  • Protocols: H-1 NMR at AV600C-13 NMR at AV600COSY NMR at AV600HSQC or HMBC at AV600qNMR at AV600DOSY setup at AV600DOSY at AV600



Bruker AV NEO solid-state 500 MHz (SS500) installed in 2019 (supported by NSF-MRI grant: 1726058)

Bruker AV NEO solid-state 500 MHz (SS500)

  • one 3.2 mm magic angle spinning (MAS) double resonance N-P/F-H probe: one channel is for 1H and 19F, another channel is for X nuclei (tuning frequency is from 15N to 31P). Most common nuclei can be studied: 19F, 31P, 7Li, 119/117Sn, 11B, 23Na, 27Al, 13C, 195Pt, 29Si, 77Se, 199Hg, etc. The most common experiments are mainly cross-polarization(CP) or one pulse direction observation. The unique feature of this probe can run 19F-X nuclei CP experiments additional to H-X nuclei CP experiments
  • one 3.2 mm MAS triple resonance CNH probe: one channel is for H, one channel is for 13C and one channel for 15N. The probe can run triple resonance experiments applied for biological samples
  • Both probes have variable temperature capabilities and spinning rate up to 24 kHz
  • Useful solid-state NMR information
  • Applications: SSNMR flyer & Publications employed the instrument


Bruker AV III HD NanoBay 400 MHz (AM400) installed in 2019

Bruker AV III HD NanoBay 400 MHz (AM400) installed in 2019

  • BBFO probe with Z-gradient
  • Good for H-1 2D NMR (COSY) or dynamic (DOSY) and kinetic projects
  • Typical application for C-13 DEPT and H-1/C-13 2D (HSQC and HMBC)
  • Typical X-nuclei (C-13, Si-29, P-31, Pt, Pb, Na, Cs, F-19)
  • Selective Shape pulse excitation (selective NOE, ROE)
  • Variable temperature capability
  • Protocols: Protocol for 1H NMR at AM400.pdf & Protocol for 13C NMR at AM400.pdf



Bruker AV NEO 400 MHz (NMR400)


Bruker AV NEO 400 MHz (NMR400) installed in 2019 (console)



Bruker AV 400 MHz (CHEM400)


Bruker AV 400 MHz (CHEM400) installed in 2001

  • Routine NMR screening
  • A walk-up 400 MHz fully automated spectrometer is available for H-1C-13F-19 and P-31 detection (QNP probe)
  • Autosampler for loading 60 samples maximum
  • Undergraduate students teaching instrument
  • Training protocol: Chem 400 Training Protocol
  • Detailed instructions: automated Chem400


Last update: Mar, 2022 FC