Feel free to contact us to select the appropriate spectrometers to meet your needs
Bruker AV III 600 MHz (AV600) installed in 2007:
- Higher field dispersion and highest sensitivity for polymers, carbohydrates, and natural products NMR projects or very dilute samples
- Four RF transmitters, configured for nuclei from O-17 to H-1
- Broad band probe with H-1 decoupling with autotune
- Inverse probe H-1 (& F-19) with BB decoupling
- Selective Shape pulse excitation (selective NOE, ROE) at higher field dispersion
- Best for H-1 2D NMR or dynamic (DOSY) and kinetic projects
- Typical application for H-1– C-13 2D (HSQC, HMBC, and TOSY-HSQC)
- Autosampler for loading 24 samples maximum
- Protocols: H-1 NMR at AV600; C-13 NMR at AV600; COSY NMR at AV600; HSQC or HMBC at AV600; qNMR at AV600; DOSY setup at AV600, DOSY at AV600
Bruker AV NEO solid-state 500 MHz (SS500) installed in 2019 (supported by NSF-MRI grant: 1726058)
- one 3.2 mm magic angle spinning (MAS) double resonance N-P/F-H probe: one channel is for 1H and 19F, another channel is for X nuclei (tuning frequency is from 15N to 31P). Most common nuclei can be studied: 19F, 31P, 7Li, 119/117Sn, 11B, 23Na, 27Al, 13C, 195Pt, 29Si, 77Se, 199Hg, etc. The most common experiments are mainly cross-polarization(CP) or one pulse direction observation. The unique feature of this probe can run 19F-X nuclei CP experiments additional to H-X nuclei CP experiments
- one 3.2 mm MAS triple resonance CNH probe: one channel is for H, one channel is for 13C and one channel for 15N. The probe can run triple resonance experiments applied for biological samples
- Both probes have variable temperature capabilities and spinning rate up to 24 kHz
- Useful solid-state NMR information
- Applications: SSNMR flyer & Publications employed the instrument
Bruker AV III HD NanoBay 400 MHz (AM400) installed in 2019
- BBFO probe with Z-gradient
- Good for H-1 2D NMR (COSY) or dynamic (DOSY) and kinetic projects
- Typical application for C-13 DEPT and H-1/C-13 2D (HSQC and HMBC)
- Typical X-nuclei (C-13, Si-29, P-31, Pt, Pb, Na, Cs, F-19)
- Selective Shape pulse excitation (selective NOE, ROE)
- Variable temperature capability
- Protocols: Protocol for 1H NMR at AM400.pdf & Protocol for 13C NMR at AM400.pdf
Bruker AV NEO 400 MHz (NMR400) installed in 2019 (console)
- Routine NMR screening
- A walk-up 400 MHz fully automated spectrometer is available for H-1 and C-13 detection (TXI probe)
- H-1 2D NMR (COSY) and H-1/C-13 2D (HSQC and HMBC) are subjected to setup
- Protocol: H-1 NMR (BBO probe) at NMR400; C-13 NMR (BBO probe) at NMR400
- BBO probe tuning/matching: BBO probe tuning-matching; BBO probe tuning-matching parameters
Bruker AV 400 MHz (CHEM400) installed in 2001
- Routine NMR screening
- A walk-up 400 MHz fully automated spectrometer is available for H-1, C-13, F-19 and P-31 detection (QNP probe)
- Autosampler for loading 60 samples maximum
- Undergraduate students teaching instrument
- Training protocol: Chem 400 Training Protocol
- Detailed instructions: automated Chem400
Last update: Mar, 2022 FC