The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry's Distinguished Advisors advise the Department on emerging trends in education and in the diverse academic offerings of the Department with the goals of maintaining and enhancing the Department’s position at the University of Maryland and among similar academic units across the country.
The Committee consists of up to 20 highly successful and knowledgeable members broadly representative of all of the Department’s various constituencies, both alumni and friends, with a knowledge or interest in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Maryland.
Members serve for a three-year term with the possibility of serving one additional term. After an absence of one year from the Council, former members are eligible to be reappointed to another three-year term. Meetings are held once a year on the University of Maryland campus.
Current Advisors
Patrizia Barone

Dr. Barone is Vice President Research & Development / Regulatory Affairs at Unilever. She has demonstrated success in taking risks, executing strategy, directing product development initiatives, and leading regulatory teams. She has diverse product development experience in Household, Personal Care, OTC and Food product categories. Web descriptions describe her as adept in launching Corporate Quality Assurance, Regulatory and Product Safety programs. Language fluency in Spanish and Italian. Previous to her current position she was Vice President of R&D at Reckitt Benkiser, R&D Director at Miles, Inc. and Research Scientist at Colgate-Palmolive Co. A graduate of the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) with Honors, she received her Ph.D. degree from Georgetown University.
James Bogdanor

Dr. Bogdanor is currently Global Director of Technical Customer Service for the Engineered Materials product line of W.R. Grace. He joined Grace after completing his PhD in Chemical Engineering at The University of Texas. His BS and MS degrees in Chemical Engineering were obtained from Washington University and New Mexico State University, respectively. In his 29 years at Grace Jim has worked in a variety of R&D, Technical Service, Marketing, Business Management and Business Development roles. He has experience in the development, commercialization and use of Grace materials as functional ingredients, process aids and catalysts across diverse markets. These include consumer, food, pharma, industrial coatings, ink jet media, and polyolefins. As a member of several business leadership teams Jim has contributed to the successful development and implementation of growth strategies in Grace Materials and Catalysts product lines through both organic and acquisition activities. He has authored or coauthored a number of patents, technical papers and industry presentations. Jim served on the UMBC President’s Advisory Committee, and is a member of the UMD Chemistry and Biochemistry Advisory Committee.
Elizabeth M. Calvey

Dr. Calvey received her PhD in Analytical Chemistry form Virginia Tech in 1990. In April 1984 she accepted a position as a research chemist at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN). Her research interests centered on the use of alternative extraction and chromatography technologies in the analysis of natural products and the use of spectroscopic methodologies in the analysis of chemical and microbial contaminants in food matrices. She has authored over 25 peer-reviewed publications, given over 50 presentations, and serves on multiple advisory panels. In 1996 she began her transition from doing hands-on laboratory research to providing leadership on matters related to CFSAN’s on-going Centers of Excellence programs and other leveraging activities. She is currently the Team Leader for the CFSAN Liaison and Partnership Team and Associate Director for the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN), a jointly administered program between the FDA and the University of Maryland College Park.
Gary D. Christian

Dr. Christian received his B.S. degree in 1959 from the University of Oregon and Ph.D. degree from the University of Maryland in 1964. He was a research analytical chemist at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research from 1961 to 1967. He joined the University of Kentucky in 1967 and in 1972 moved to the University of Washington as Professor of Chemistry. He was Divisional Dean of Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences, 1993-2001. Christian’s research interests include electroanalytical chemistry, atomic spectroscopy, process analysis, flow injection analysis, and electroinjection analysis. He is the author of over 300 papers and has authored books on: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy; Trace Analysis; Analytical Chemistry (6 editions); Instrumental Analysis (2 editions); Problem Solving in Analytical Chemistry; and Quantitative Calculations in Pharmaceutical Practice and Research, as well as an American Chemical Society short-course on atomic absorption spectroscopy. Among his many honors, Gary was the recipient of the 1988 American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Excellence in Teaching and the 1996 American Chemical Society Fisher Award in Analytical Chemistry. He was awarded the Universite Libre de Bruxelles Medal of Honor, the Talanta Gold Medal, the Charles University Commemorative Medal, the inaugural Deakin University Geoff Wilson Medal, the Japanese Association for Flow Injection Analysis Scientific Honor Award Medal, the Senior Scholar Award of the Thailand Research Fund, and the University of Ghent Honorary Certificate of Research. He received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Chiang Mai University in 2005, and gave the Dr. Werdlemann Foundation Annual Lecture. He was made an honorary member of the Japanese Society for Analytical Chemistry in 2006. On September 18, 2007, Dr. Christian was inducted into the University of Maryland’s College of Chemical and Life Sciences’ Circle of Discovery.
Ann DeCamp

Dr. DeCamp began her career at Merck and Co., Inc in 1984 after obtaining a Ph.D. in synthetic organic chemistry from the University Of Maryland, College Park, with Paul Mazzocchi and Bert Fraser-Reid. Ann also obtained her B.S degree in Chemistry from UMD. Ann was a member of the Process Research department at Merck for nineteen years and worked on the design of manufacturing processes for a diverse array of development compounds including Mevacor, Zocor backups, HIV protease inhibitor backups and MRSA carbapenem antibiotics. Ann made career transition to financial and resource planning for Merck Preclinical development for 3 years and then returned to Process Research in 2007 to lead the Preparative Chemistry and Separations group, which plans all Merck bulk drug supply through Phase IIB and provides preparative separations services. She retired from Merck in 2011.
Carl W. Dieffenbach

Dr. Dieffenbach serves as Director of the Division of AIDS (DAIDS) at NIAID. Dr. Dieffenbach oversees a global HIV/AIDS research portfolio of more than $1 billion and a staff of more than 150 federal employees. He played a key role in restructuring the DAIDS-supported clinical trials research networks and has actively fostered collaboration and partnerships with other federal agencies, international research organizations, professional societies, foundations, community advocacy groups, and industry. Dr. Dieffenbach received his bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from the University of Maryland in 1976 and his Ph.D. in biophysics from The John Hopkins University in 1983. He completed his postdoctoral fellowship with the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) department of pathology in 1984 and was promoted to assistant professor. While at USUHS, he ran a highly productive research program, pioneering uses of polymerase chain reaction in understanding mechanisms of cytokine gene expression and cloning the cellular receptor for the murine coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus. In 1992, he joined DAIDS as the chief of the preclinical therapeutics group. Upon his appointment, Dr. Dieffenbach spearheaded important research initiatives that accelerated the progress of basic research on HIV pathogenesis and directly resulted in new clinical studies of novel AIDS therapies. In 1996, he was promoted to director of the DAIDS Basic Sciences Program, where he remained until being selected as the division director in 2008. In 2011, Dr. Dieffenbach received the Distinguished Alumnus Award of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of the University of Maryland.
Frederic Feldman

Dr. Feldman has been a consultant to the venture capital and investment banking communities as well as to biopharmaceutical, biotechnical, and medical diagnostic companies in the health care field since February 1992. From 1995 to 1996, and 1999 to 2000 he was the Chief Executive Officer of Biex, Inc., a women’s healthcare company. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Oncogenetics, Inc., a cancer genetics research company from 1992 to 1995. Between 1988 and 1992, Dr. Feldman was the President and Chief Executive Officer of Microgenics Corporation, a medical diagnostics company. He was Vice President and President of Instrumentation Laboratory a large international diagnostic company from 1984 to 1988. He held several senior management positions at Beckman Instruments, one of the leading scientific instrument companies, including general manager of the largest instrument division from 1970 to 1984. He also was a Principal Investigator at Walter Reed from 1964 to 1968 where he authored a number of scientific publications as well as a reference book on Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Dr. Feldman received his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry and an MS in Inorganic Chemistry from the University of Maryland. He received a BS in Chemistry from Brooklyn College. He has been a Board Member of a number of public and private companies involved in the healthcare industry.
Herbert E. Fried
Dr. Fried received his B.S. degree from the University of Maryland in 1974. In 1976, he received his M.S. in organic chemistry from Northwestern University and went on to receive his Ph.D. there in 1978 with Professor Fred Bordwell. From 1978-1980, Dr. Fried worked with Professor Tom Kaiser as a Research Associate at the University of Chicago in the area of bio-catalysis. From 1980 – 1996, Dr. Fried was employed by Shell Oil Company in Houston, Texas as a research scientist where he directed numerous exploratory and developmental projects. Dr. Fried is the author of over 65 United States patents and publications. Dr. Fried co-founded Data Trace Publishing Company in 1986. He is a Principal and Chief Operating Officer in the following affiliate companies: Data Trace Management Services, LLC., Data Trace Media, LLC., Data Trace Professional Training Company, Data Trace Internet Services, LLC, and SCIMED, LLC. He is also the founder and Chief Executive Officer of SELOX, LLC., a chemical marketing company.
Winston H. Gandy, Jr.

Dr. Gandy received a BS in 1982 from the University of Maryland, and MD in 1986 from Howard University College of Medicine. Following a residency at Emory University in Atlanta, he completed a Cardiology fellowship at the University of Alabama, Birmingham. In 1992, Dr. Gandy returned to Atlanta to begin his private practice with a specialized interest in cardiovascular ultrasound. Dr. Gandy’s professional associations include Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, member of the Atlanta Medical Association, the American Heart Association, The National Medical Association and the American Society of Echocardiography. He is board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases, echocardiography and vascular interpretation.
Judith Giordan

Dr. Giordan is a serial entrepreneur and former Fortune 100 executive. Judy serves as Senior Advisor to the National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance and as board member, co-founder, advisor and investor in seed and early stage start-ups.
Judy’s previous executive positions include Vice President and Global Corporate Director of Research and Development at International Flavors and Fragrances, Inc.; Vice-President Worldwide Research and Development for the Pepsi-Cola Company, the global beverage arm of PepsiCo, Inc.; Vice President Research and Development, Henkel Corporation, the North American operating unit of the Henkel Group; and co-founder and managing partner of 1EXECStreet, a successful San Francisco based boutique executive search firm. She has also held management and technical contributor positions at Polaroid and ALCOA and has served with the National Science Foundation as Program Director for the IGERT Program.
Judy received her Bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University (environmental science), her PhD from the University of Maryland (chemistry), and was an Alexander von Humboldt Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Frankfurt in Germany.
Teri Quinn Gray

Dr. Gray, wife and mother of a teen son, is a Six Sigma Consultant and New Product Commercialization Manager with DuPont Crop Protection in Newark, Delaware. She’s a native of Jackson, Mississippi and honors graduate of Jackson State University with a B.S. degree in Chemistry. She holds a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Maryland, College Park and worked as a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in 1995-1997. She is President of the Delaware State Board of Education, appointed by Governor Jack Markell in June 2009. Teri currently serves on the ACS Women Chemists Committee and as chair of the ACS Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Board.
W. Christopher Hollinsed

Dr. Hollinsed received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin and his B.S. from City College of New York. He is a fellow of the AAAS and received a service award from NOBCChE for serving as an advocate for the organization. After receiving his graduate degree he entered Polaroid in 1979 and rose to Research Group Leader before leaving for DuPont in 1990. At DuPont, he was Senior Research Associate in Central Research before being named Manager of Academic Programs in 2004-2005, heading DuPont’s Young Professor grant program and the Science & Engineering grant program. Dr. Hollinsed left DuPont in 2005 to become Director of the Office of Research Grants for the American Society. He is currently Visiting Scientist at the University of Maryland and Adjunct professor at Bowie State University and at the University of the District of Columbia.
William F. Koch

Dr. Koch is the Principal of WFK Consulting. He was the Chief Reference Materials Officer for the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). Dr. Koch led USP’s metrology initiatives and he oversaw the organization’s research and development laboratories. Prior to joining USP in 2007, Dr. Koch served for 32 years in the U.S. Government’s Department of Commerce, most recently as the Deputy Director of the Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory (CSTL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). After serving as an NBS/NRC Postdoctoral Research Associate, he joined the staff of the Center for Analytical Chemistry at NBS as a research chemist, where he expanded his research interests to include pH, electrolytic conductivity, ion selective electrodes, and ion chromatography. In 1994, he became the Deputy Director of the Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory (CSTL) and a member of the Senior Executive Service.
Dr. Koch received his B.S. in chemistry at Loyola University of Chicago, and was conferred a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry at Iowa State University in 1975. He was awarded the Silver Medal by the Department of Commerce in 2002. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry. He has served as President of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (now the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute) and as a member of the Governing Board of the Council for Chemical Research. He has authored over 70 scientific publications and has had direct involvement in the certification of over 70 Standard Reference Materials.
John W. Kozarich

Dr. John W. Kozarich received his B.S. (Chemistry; summa cum laude; Phi Beta Kappa) in 1971 from Boston College. He was a NSF Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry at MIT (Ph.D., 1975) and a NIH Postdoctoral Fellow in Biochemistry at Harvard. His independent career began in academia, where he held tenured professorships at Yale University School of Medicine in pharmacology and at the University of Maryland in chemistry and biochemistry. A sabbatical in 1990 as CSO of a start-up biotech company Alkermes, in Cambridge, MA motivated him to explore other venues for his chemical interests. He became Vice President of Biochemistry at Merck Research Laboratories (Rahway, NJ) in 1992 assuming broad responsibilities for a number of Merck drug discovery programs and biotech ventures, and led the development of Merck’s Boston Research Center. Dr. Kozarich moved to La Jolla to head ActivX in 2001 and the company was acquired by Kyorin Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Tokyo) in 2004. ActivX has pioneered the development of activity-based proteomics and its application to drug discovery and development. He is internationally known for his work on enzyme mechanisms and on the chemistry of DNA-cleaving antitumor drugs. In addition to his role at ActivX, he is Chairman of the Board at Ligand Pharmaceuticals (San Diego), Chief Scientific Advisor at Kyorin Pharmaceutical Co. (Tokyo), Adjunct Professor of Chemical Physiology at The Scripps Research Institute and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Gordon Research Conferences.
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri

A native of Lebanon, Dr. Shakhashiri is the son of a physician who is retired from the U.S. National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD.The Shakhashiri’s, father, mother, son and two daughters, came to the United States in 1957 when Bassam was 18 years old with one year of college (at the American University of Beirut) behind him. He completed undergraduate work at Boston University (Class of ’60) with an in chemistry, served as a teaching fellow at Bowdoin College forone academic year and then earned master’s and Ph.D. degrees in chemistry at the University of Maryland (’65 and ’68 respectively). After a year of post-doctoral research and two years as a junior member of the chemistry faculty at the University of Illinois,Urbana, Dr. Shakhashiri joined the faculty of the University of Wisconsin in 1970, a position he has held since. In 1977 he was the founding chair of the University of Wisconsin System Undergraduate Teaching Improvement Council. In 1983 Dr. Shakhashiri founded the Institute for Chemical Education (ICE) and served as its first director. His work with ICE inspired the establishment of the Center for Biology Education, the Merck Institute for Science Education, the Miami University (of Ohio) Center for Chemical Education, the Sacred Heart University SMART Center, and others.
His SCIENCE IS FUN! presentations in Madison at shopping malls, the Capitol Square, the Great Walk of the Muscular Dystrophy Association, KIDS EXPO, etc. , as well as his visits to schools and colleges, have reached tens of thousands of students, their teachers,and parents throughout Wisconsin. In 1996-97 Dr. Shakhashiri chaired two working groups of the Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, which reviewed and helped shape the Wisconsin Science Standards and the Wisconsin Mathematics Standards. Dr. Shakhashiri has given about 1000 invited lectures and presentations in the United States and other countries. He has co-authored several publications including Manual for Laboratory Investigations in General Chemistry ; Workbook for General Chemistry ; Chemical Demonstrations: A Handbook for Teachers of Chemistry , Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4; and semi-programmed booklets on equilibrium, kinetics, andorganic chemistry. His publications, television programs, and website ( are the bases for what thousand of chemists and teachers present annually during National Chemistry Week, National Science and Technology Week, and on a daily basis in classrooms and science museums across the country and elsewhere.
In 1984 he was sworn-in as Assistant Director of the National Science Foundation for Science and Engineering Education by the President’s Science Adviser. In this position he was the principale ducation officer of the federal agency chiefly concerned with research in the natural sciences and engineering. As such, he was responsible for the design and administration of a wide variety of programs toimprove all levels of education in mathematics, engineering and the sciences. In September of 1990 he returned to Madison and has taught introductory level chemistry to over 600 students annually. Among his many awards are the 1977 Kiekhofer Distinguished Teaching Awardfrom the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the 1979 Manufacturing Chemists Association Catalyst Award. He is the youngest recipient of two of the American Chemical Society’s most coveted recognitions–the James Flack Norris Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Teaching of Chemistry (1983) and the ACS Award in Chemical Education (1986). In1982, he was given the Ron Gibbs Award of the Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers for outstanding contributions to science education at the local, regional, national, and international levels. In 1987, he was cited for distinguished public service by the District of Columbia Science Education Association, the National Science Teachers Association, the South Carolina Academy of Science, and the Boston University General Alumni Association.
Michael Tarlov

Dr. Tarlov is Chief of the Biomolecular Measurement Division of the Material Measurement Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The Biomolecular Measurement Division develops the measurement science, standards, technology, and data required to support the nation’s needs for determining the composition, structure, quantity, and function of biological molecules. These efforts underpin advances in the areas of biotechnology, DNA forensics, biomedical and bioscience research, and health care. He received a B.A. in Chemistry from Colgate University and a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Minnesota. During his career at NIST he has authored or co-authored more than 80 publications in the areas of self-assembled monolayers, biochemical sensing, and bioprocess measurements. He also leads the NIST Biomanufacturing Program, which develops measurement science, standards, reference data, and technology to support the development, manufacturing, and regulatory approval of biologic medicines.
Past Advisors
Bruce R. Cook

Dr. Cook is currently FCC (Fluid Catalytic Cracking) Program Manager for Advanced Refining Technology at BP Products, North America in Naperville, IL. He received his BS degree in chemistry from Hope College, Holland MI in 1981, and his PhD in chemistry from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1986. His thesis research, under the direction of Professor Kenneth Suslick, was on shape selective catalytic and photo-catalytic oxidations of hydrocarbons with metallo-porphyrin catalysts. In 1986, Dr. Cook joined Exxon Research and Development Laboratories in Baton Rouge, LA where he was involved in exploratory research on Catalytic Reforming, Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC), Catalytic Hydroprocessing and Thermal Cracking. In 1995, Dr. Cook moved to what is now ExxonMobil Corporate Strategic Research (EM-CSR). At EM-CSR, Dr. Cook has pursued fundamental research in the areas of Fischer-Tropsch Wax hydroisomerization, selective FCC naphtha hydroprocessing (SCANfining), and Fluid Catalytic Cracking. He holds over 30 US Patents and is the co-author of 17 publications, and he has presented invited lectures at 2001 Hydrocarbon Resources and 2004 Catalysis Gordon Conferences. Dr. Cook is also a co-recipient of the 2001 American Chemical Society Southwest Region Industrial Innovation Award and the 2005 American Chemical Society Heroes of Chemistry Award for his research leading to the commercialization of ExxonMobil’s SCANfining Processes. Dr. Cook served as 2005/2006 Chairman of the Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York and is currently a Director for that organization. He also serves on the Executive Committee of the American Chemical Society’s Petroleum Division.
David Davies

Dr. Davies graduated from Oxford University in 1949 and received a Ph.D. in 1952. From 1952 to 1954 he was Noyes Fellow at CalTech with Linus Pauling. In 1955, he joined NIMH and moved to the National Institutes of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases(NIDDK) 6 years later. In 1961 he was appointed Chief, Lab of Molecular Biology.
His research uses x-ray crystallography to determine the three-dimensional structure of proteins and nucleic acids. At a symposium honoring him and his contributions, then NIDDK director Dr. Phillip Gorden remarked “When one discusses the three-dimensional shape of a protein at NIH, three things immediately come to mind: the first is excellence, the second is NIDDK, and the third is David Davies.”
Leonard W. Fine

Dr. Fine is the Director of Research and Education for the Science Foundation Arizona (SFAz), located in Phoenix. SFAz makes grants in educational and strategic research opportunities that intend to create a competitive advantage for innovation and a knowledge driven society across Arizona. Prior to his taking this position in 2006, he was Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Columbia University. Although his professional interests include applied research in polymer chemistry and engineering plastics stimulated by eight years in industry, his career has been largely defined by concerns for teaching undergraduate students, and issues and policy in science and engineering education. Recent publications include textbooks “Chemistry for Scientists and Engineers” and “Chemistry for Engineers and Scientists” (Brooks/Cole), manuals on infrared spectroscopy, and software on spectroscopic methods and on nanoscale materials, science and engineering. The history of science and technology has played important roles in his teaching. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland with Wilkins Reeve and counts William Bailey and Marjorie Gardner among those who helped forge his philosophy of teaching.
Laurie E. Locascio

Dr. Locascio is the Chief of the Biochemical Science Division within the Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology. In this position, she oversees a research portfolio that includes measurements and standards for forensic DNA analysis, DNA and RNA micro-arrays, tissue engineering, biological applications of microfluidics, DNA damage and repair, biosecurity, nanomaterial toxicity, flow cytometry, cellular biometrology, fluorescence and Raman analysis, biomarker identification, structural biology, biofuels, and genetically modified organisms.
She received her B.Sc. in Chemistry from James Madison University, M.Sc. in Bioengineering from the University of Utah, and Ph.D. in toxicology from the University of Maryland at Baltimore medical school. She has published more than ~100 scientific papers, and holds 6 patents with 2 additional pending in the fields of microfluidics, biosensors and sensor/flow systems. Some of her honors and awards include the US Department of Commerce Silver Medal, US Department of Commerce Bronze Medal Award, ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Arthur F. Findeis Award for Achievements by a Young Analytical Scientist, and the NIST Applied Research Award. She is currently Past Chair of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society, and editorial board member for Annual Reviews in Analytical Chemistry.
Bruce Maryanoff (2005-2007)

Dr. Maryanoff earned B.S. (1969) and Ph.D. (1972) degrees from Drexel University in chemistry. After postdoctoral studies at Princeton University, he joined McNeil Laboratories, a Johnson &Johnson company. He advanced on the scientific ladder in a series of Johnson & Johnson companies to Distinguished Research Fellow, the highest scientific position. Presently, Dr. Maryanoff is a Distinguished Research Fellow and Co-Leader of the Vascular Research Team in Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development.
In 30 years with Johnson & Johnson, Dr. Maryanoff has made numerous contributions to chemical and medicinal research. From 1976-1992, he mainly worked in the central nervous system area; in1992, he moved into cardiovascular research. His drug discovery efforts have resulted in 21 compounds being accepted into preclinical development, with 8 of these advancing into human clinical trials. Dr.Maryanoff discovered TOPAMAX® topiramate, which is marketed worldwide for treating epilepsy and migraine, and which has achieved annual sales of >$1 billion. He has published 215 scientific papers, is an inventor on 65 U.S. patents, and has presented 125 invited lectures. Dr. Maryanoff received two national awards from the American Chemical Society,a Heroes of Chemistry 2000 Award and the 2003 ACS Award in Industrial Chemistry.
Cynthia Maryanoff (2005-2007)
Dr. Maryanoff received a B.Sc. from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, in 1972. She earned a Ph. D. from Princeton University, Princeton, NJ in 1976 with Prof. Kurt Mislow and Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. Ted Taylor. She worked as a medicinal chemist at Smith Kline, and moved to Johnson & Johnson in 1981. She advanced in the Pharmaceutical Research & Development to a global head of Drug Evaluation Chemical and Pharmaceutical Development from 2000 – 2004. Dr. Maryanoff joined Cordis Corporation, a J&J company, in 2004 as a Distinguished Research Fellow responsible for the formulation for drug-eluting stents.
In her time with Johnson & Johnson PRD, Dr. Maryanoff developed a world-class global organization to rapidly move new molecular entities from small-scale chemical synthesis to large, through development of oral fomulation and toxicology studies through first-in-human and proof-of-principle studies in a record time. She accomplished this by inspiring a global staff of differing cultures in areas of chemical process research and scale-up, analytical chemistry, pharmaceutics, and drug formulation. Dr. Maryanoff’s service to ACS include membership on the ACS Task Force on Multidisciplinary of Chemistry, 2004-2005; Advisory Board of Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2000-2004; Committee on Science, 1992-1995; ACS Books Advisory Board, 1994-1997; Advisory Board; Chemical & Engineering News, 1990-1992; and the Advisory Board ACS PRF, 1986-1989. She is very active in Division of Organic Chemistry (1988-present): Councilor; Alternate Councilor, 1988, 1992, 2004; she served as Chair in 1997. Other activities include Division of Medicinal Chemistry: Member Long Range Planning Committee, 1999-2003; Women Chemist Committee: Committee Associate 1995. She is also a member of Philadelphia Organic Chemistry Club; AAAS; AIC; Phi Lambda Upsilon Honorary Chemical Society Drexel Chapter; Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society; IUPAC. Dr. Maryanoff is the recipient of numerous awards: within J&J: Philip B. Hofmann Research Award, 1985; Achievement Award for AA/EEO 1990; Award for Novel Anti-Psychotic Agent 1990; RWJPRI Pinnacle Award, a peer award, 1990; Achievement Award for a Process for Topiramate, 1996; and a Cordis Standards of Excellence, 2004. Other awards include Philadelphia Section Award, American Chemical Society 1991; TWIN Award (Tribute to Women and Industry, YMCA) 1997; Garvin – Olin Medal, American Chemical Society 1999; Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award for Service to the Profession (Drexel University) 1999; Philadelphia Organic Chemist Club Award 1999; Distinguished Chemistry Alumni Award (Drexel University) 1999; University of Pennsylvania Trustee’s Council of Penn: Women in Chemistry Award (University of Pennsylvania Trustee’s Council of Penn 2001; and the Earle B. Barnes Award for Leadership in Chemical Research Management 2005. Cyndie chaired and organized 12 Award Symposia and 11 Sessions at National ACS Meetings; published 84 scientific papers, edited of 3 books, 41 US/European patents issued or pending; presented approximately 85 abstracts and oral presentations. Other work in service to the scientific community included Member Advisory Council of the Gordon Research Conferences 2000-2003; Member Advisory Council of the College of Arts and Sciences at Drexel University, 1998-present; Member AAAS Nominating Committee 1996-2000, Chair 1998-99; Member and Chair Search Committee for Editor of Accounts of Chemical Research 1995; Member NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Review Panel 1993; Member NIH Medicinal Chemistry Small Business Innovation Research Program Review 1993; Member Medicinal Chemistry Study Section NIH Division of Grants 1988-1992.
Willie May (2005-2007)

Dr. May received his B.S. degree in chemistry from Knoxville College, Knoxville, TN in 1968 and his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the University of Maryland at College Park, MD in 1977. He was employed at the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant from 1968-1971. He joined the National Bureau of Standards, as a Research Chemist, in 1971. He became Group Leader for Liquid Chromatography,Organic Analytical Research Division 1976 and became Chief of the Division in 1983. In 1994, Dr. May became Chief of the Analytical Chemistry Division (a combination of the Organic Analytical and Inorganic Analytical Chemistry Divisions, and in 2004 he was appointed Director of the Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory. CSTL( is the primary reference laboratory for chemical measurements, entrusted with developing,maintaining, advancing, and enabling the chemical measurement system for the United States of America, thereby enhancing industry’s productivity and competitiveness, establishing comparability of measurements to facilitate equity of global trade, and improving public health, safety, and environmental quality.
Dr. May’s personal research activities were focused in the area of trace organic analytical chemistry, with special emphasis on the development of liquid chromatographic methods for the determination of individual organic species in complex mixtures (i.e., extracts of environmental, food, and clinical samples) and the development of liquid chromatographic methods for the determination of physico-chemical properties such as aqueous solubilities, octanol/water partition coefficients, and vapor pressures of organic compounds. This work is described in more than 100 peer-reviewed publications. He has presented more than 150 invited lectures during his 30-year professional career at U.S. industrial sites, Colleges/Universities and Technical Meetings throughout the world.
Honors and Awards presented to Dr. May include: Department of Commerce Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals; National Institute of Standards and Technology Equal Employment Opportunity Award (1982 and 1993); Arthur S. Flemming Award for Outstanding Individual Performance in the Federal Government before the age of 40; Presidential Award for Senior Executive Service to the Federal Government; the NOBCChE PercyL. Julian Award for Outstanding Research in Organic Analytical Chemistry; and the 2001 Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Analytical Chemistry Award given by the Analytical Division of the American Chemical Society.
Wade Miller (2004-2010)

Mr. Miller is the Executive Director of the WateReuse Association – a non-profit organization whose mission is to advance the beneficial and efficient use of water resources through education, sound science, and technology using reclamation, recycling, reuse, and desalination. Mr. Miller is also Executive Director of the WateReuse Foundation, which conducts applied research on water reuse and desalination. Mr. Miller has been involved in the water field in various capacities for more than 35 years.
Mr. Miller was instrumental in the establishment of the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators and the International Association of Environmental Testing Laboratories and served as Executive Director of both associations. He twice served as an advisor to presidential commissions on water (i.e., President Carter’s Intergovernmental Water Policy Task Force in 1979; and the National Council on Public Works Improvement in 1987-88). Before joining the WateReuse Association in 2000, he owned his own management consulting firm.
Mr. Miller currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Global Water Research Coalition, an organization comprised of 15 national water research organizations from around the globe. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland (B.S., Chemistry, 1971).
Lura Powell (2004-2010)

Dr. Powell earned her bachelor’s degree in chemistry and a doctorate in analytical chemistry from the University of Maryland. The former director of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Powell was CEO and President of Advanced Imaging Technologies, a Richland, Washington, firm that is developing ultrasonic holography with an initial emphasis on breast cancer diagnosis. Dr. Powell joined Pacific Northwest National Laboratory following a 27-year career with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD. At NIST, she served as Director of the Advanced Technology Program (ATP), which accelerates the development of innovative technologies that promise high commercial payoffs and widespread national benefits. Dr. Powell’s leadership of ATP earned her the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Gold Medal in 1998. Before joining ATP, Dr. Powell founded and built NIST’s Biotechnology Division, where she managed programs in DNA technologies, bioprocess engineering, biosensor technology, and structural biology. Powell’s leadership of ATP earned her the Department of Commerce’s Gold Medal in 1998.
Robert J. Rosenthal (2004-2010)

Dr. Rosenthal is president and chief executive officer of Magellan Biosciences, an emerging leader in clinical diagnostics, serving customers with rapid point-of-care analyzers and automated systems for hospital-based labs and near-patient testing that improve clinical outcomes. A proven executive, Dr. Rosenthal has 20 years of experience building value for customers, shareholders, and employees in companies serving the biomedical research and diagnostics industries.
Most recently, Dr. Rosenthal was president and CEO of Boston Life Sciences, an R&D development-stage biopharmaceutical company. Previously, he was president of Perkin Elmer’s Instruments division, where he managed the acquisition and integration of the Analytical Instruments group from PE Corporation. As president and CEO of Thermo Optek, Dr. Rosenthal built a market-leading instrument company, which went public in 1996. Prior to Thermo Optek, Dr. Rosenthal served as president of Nicolet Instrument Corporation, a subsidiary of Thermo Instruments, which supplies analytical tools for research and development to several industries, including biotechnology. In addition to the Magellan and subsidiary boards, Dr. Rosenthal serves on several others, including the boards of Matritech (AMEX:MZT), a developer of proteomics-based diagnostic products for the early detection of cancer, and Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. (NYSE:SFE), a holding company that builds value in growth-stage technology and life-sciences businesses.
Dr. Rosenthal holds a BS in chemistry from the University of Maryland, an MS in chemistry from State University of New York (Buffalo), and a PhD in physical chemistry from Emory University. He spent a year in Germany completing a post-doctoral fellowship and as a guest scientist of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. This was followed by an additional post-doctoral fellowship at UCLA. Dr. Rosenthal also holds an AEA Executive MBA from Stanford University.
Diane Scott-Licther (2004-2010)
Ms. Scott-Lichter is Publisher and Head of the Publishing Division for the American Association for Cancer Research. Prior to this position she was Senior Director, Publishing, for The Endocrine Society, Publisher of Medical Journals for Blackwell Publishing in Malden, Mass., where she was responsible for developing a global medical journal acquisition strategy, and Director of Publishing for the American Cancer Society (ACS) in Atlanta, Ga. She has also held journal publishing positions with Elsevier Science Inc., Carden Jennings Publishing Company, and the American Chemical Society.
Ms. Scott-Lichter is the current Vice-President of the Council of Science Editors, and has also been a member of its Board of Directors and worked on several of its committees. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Society for Scholarly Publishing, and has served on many of its committees. She also serves on the American Heart Association’s Scientific Publishing Committee, and is co-chair of the 2007 Annual Spring Conference Program held by the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers.
She earned a bachelor of science degree in biochemistry from the University of Maryland and a master’s degree in publishing communications from New York University.
Christopher Welch
Dr. Chris Welch is a senior research fellow at Merck & Co., Inc. in the department of Process Research. His current investigations involve the use of analysis and separations tools to support pharmaceutical development, with special emphasis on stereochemical issues. Current work focuses on two major areas: 1) rapid and high throughput analysis techniques involving HPLC, SFC, MS and chiroptical detection. 2) preparative chromatographic separations and other purification technologies, including the use of the ‘green’ technique of supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) for carrying out kilogram scale purifications. Before joining Merck, he worked at Regis Technologies and Abbott Laboratories. He obtained his Ph. D from the University of Illinois under the direction of Prof. William Pirkle.