
Sample Analysis by Facility Personnel

Facility personnel routinely analyzes submitted samples (see services listed below). Guidelines and forms for sample submission can be found under “Sample Preparation” and “Sample Submission”. Please note that the facility is not equipped or licensed to handle radioactive and biohazardous samples.

  • Direct infusion electrospray MS

Training on Instrument Use

Training on the use of facility instruments is available. Users who wish to run their own samples can schedule with the facility manager to receive training on JEOl AccuTOF (ESI/APCI), Bruker Autoflex Speed (MALDI), Bruker Maxis-II Q-TOF and JEOL MStation (GC-MS). Training involves lectures and hands-on experience with the instruments.


  • Please acknowledge the use of the mass spec facility in all users’ publications.  Suggested wording is as follows: “We acknowledge Dr. Yue Li and the Mass Spec Facility in the department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Maryland–College Park for use of [name of instrument and brief description of assistance].” The mass spec users should send a PDF copy of all publications to the director, Dr. Yue Li.  For co-authorship, please refer to the UMD policy. 

  • If you use the Bio-MS instrument (Bruker Maxis-II + ACQUITY LC) or the imaging MALDI, please include in all your publications, presentations, and posters the following information: “Purchase of the Bruker Maxis-II QTOF mass spectrometer (or Imaging upgrade of the Bruker AutoFlex MALDI-TOF) was supported by Award Number (2018860) from the National Science Foundation.”