Business & Payroll Offices

The Chemistry & Biochemistry Business Office is located on the first floor of the Chemistry Building in Room 1526 and is open  8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. weekdays (excluding University holidays).

This office provides assistance to all departmental personnel for purchasing, travel, and grant administration and serves as the liaison with General Accounting, Accounts Payable, University Purchasing, Human Resources and the Office of Research and Administration (ORAA).

Forms & Links



  • Travel Approval FormTravel Approval Request Form (TAR) (Must be completed and submitted to the Chemistry Business Office at least one week prior to rival. Students and guest TARs must be signed by the principal investigator.)
  • Reimbursement: Travel Expense Statement. Complete and submit with original receipts to the Chemistry Business Office following travel. Per diem for meals may be claimed without receipts.




  • ORAA: Quick reference to proposal development
  • Research Accounts: Principle Investigators and their designees: must have VPN running on local computer to access these accounts. Requires BA3 user id and password. Contact the Business Office Manager if you have forgotten your user id or password.
  • Federal Grant Information/Submission:
  • National Science Foundation: Fast-lane