12Apr Probing Allosteric Responses in Large Peptide Synthetases by Solution NMR IPST Building, Room 1116 2022-04-12 11 am
27Apr Unraveling the Spectral Dynamics of the Air-Water Interface at the Molecular Level with Cryogenic Ion Spectroscopy Online via Zoom 2022-04-27 11 am
5May Defying Conventional Wisdom: Developing Carbon Monoxide as a Therapeutic Agent PLS Building, Room 1130 2022-05-05 11 am
28Apr Microencapsulation of Fragrance Molecules in Perfumes and Detergents PLS Building, Room 1130 2022-04-28 11 am
21Apr Humans vs Microbes: Carbohydrate-based Solutions to Infectious Disease PLS Building, Room 1130 2022-04-21 11 am
8Apr Phenyl-Acetylene Scaffolding as Receptors for Anions: Synthesis, Supramolecular Chemistry and Emerging Applications Plant Sciences Building, Room 1130 2022-04-08 4 pm
17Mar Targeted Lysosomal Protein Degradation: A New Therapeutic Strategy PLS Building, Room 1130 2022-03-17 11 am