26Apr Effect of Physiological Environment on Neurodegenerative Peptide Aggregation IPST Building, Room 1116 2022-04-26 1:15 PM
19Apr What Does Non-ideality Mean for Binary Ionic Liquid Mixtures? Online via Zoom 2022-04-19 1:15 PM
5Apr Unusual Light-molecule Interactions: Polariton Condensates and Other Nonlinear Phenomena IPST Building, Room 1116 2022-04-05 1:15 PM
29Mar Towards the Elucidation of the Mechanisms of Synthesis of Zeolites Online via Zoom 2022-03-29 1:15 PM
8Mar Physical Inductive Biases for Learned Simulation and Scientific Discovery Online via Zoom 2022-03-08 1:15 PM
8Feb Closed-loop Autonomous Combinatorial Experimentation for Streamlined Materials Discovery IPST Building, Room 1116 2022-02-08 1:15 PM
3May SurA is a Groove-y Chaperone that Expands Unfolded Outer Membrane Proteins IPST Building, Room 1116 2022-05-03 11 am
26Apr Vignettes from Biophysical Investigation of Membranes, Membrane Mimics, and Membrane Proteins: How They Assemble, Interact, and Move IPST Building, Room 1116 2022-04-26 11 am