New Labs Catalyze Chemistry Learning

The Edward St. John Learning and Teaching Center is a beacon for progress.

ADSE Young Researchers Conference at UMD on Sep 16, 2017

On September 16th, 2017, the third annual Young Researcher’s Conference of the Alliance for Diversity in Science and Engineering (ADSE) will be hosted at UMD.

Digging Deeper, Building Better: An Interview with Catherine Fenselau

Here, Catherine reflects on the past, present and future of mass spec and explains why analytical science deserves more respect.

Anna Lieberman (B.S. ’16, Biochemistry) Awarded Fulbright Scholarship

Lieberman plans to explore working in child development in addition to teaching duties.

Award Winning Chemist Peter Nemes to Join UMD Faculty

Peter Nemes, an expert in biological mass spectrometry and bioanalytics, will join the faculty of the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD) in January 2018.

Congratulations to Chemistry & Biochemistry Degree Recipients

Congratulations & Best wishes to all of our graduates!

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