Faculty Members, Alumni, and Students Receive Awards

We proudly recognize faculty, staff, students and alumni who recently garnered major honors, awards and promotions.

Developing A Single-Neuron Protein Mass Analyzer

What it takes to build an instrument thousands of times more sensitive than anything that came before.

Senior Crystal Li Prepares to Take Her Research to the Next Level

Following graduation in May, she plans to spend a year doing research while she applies to medical school.

Pioneering Air Quality Researcher Retired in June

Professor and Alumnus John Ondov’s departure marks the end of an era at UMD.

Faculty, Students and Alumni Who Garnered Major Honors and Awards This Past Year

We proudly recognize faculty, students and alumni who garnered major honors and awards this past year.

Alumnus Thomas Flores Mixes Science and Art as a Craft Brewmaster

Curiosity and restlessness are the character traits on which Thomas Flores (B.S. ’92, biochemistry) built a successful career as a brewer of craft beer.

Davis, Paukstelis and Colleagues Develop New Chemistry for Drawing on Soft Materials

Their paper in Angewandte Chemie was designated as a “Very Important Paper” by the journal.

Former Chemistry Professor David Freeman Dies at Age 88

David Haines Freeman, former professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Maryland, College Park, died in his sleep at Sibley Hospital in Washington, D.C. on October 28, 2019, where his family had gathered.

Scientists Discover Method to Create and Trap Trions at Room Temperature

A UMD-led team chemically engineered carbon nanotubes to synthesize and trap trions—quasi-particles potentially useful in bioimaging, chemical sensing and quantum computing.

Department Partners with Alliance for Diversity in Science & Education (ADSE) to Host Young Research Conference

The conference (free of cost) is geared towards undergraduates doing research and graduate students with a focus on underrepresented students in STEM although postdocs and faculty are also encouraged to attend.

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