Bruker Autoflex Speed is a time-of-flight mass spectrometer with both linear and reflectron operational modes. The instrument uses matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization as ionization source. The mass range exceeds 100 kDa in the linear mode and 10 kDa in the reflectron mode.
Key Features:
- 2 kHz Smartbeam II laser
- TOF-analyzer for linear and reflectron mode
- TOF-analyzer for both positive and negative ion mode
- Reflectron resolution > 26,000 (FWHM), mass accuracy < 2 ppm
- Linear resolution > 1,100 (FWHM) for Cytochrome C (m/z 12,361)
- MS sensitivity: 500 fmol BSA (m/z 66,000)
- New Feature: Tissue imaging
Key Application Areas:
- Protein and peptide identification
- Polymer analysis
Recent Applications: