2Nov Literature Seminar-- Recent Developments in Hemithioindigo Molecular Photoswitch Scaffolds 11:00 AM 2023-11-02 IPST 1116
26Oct Harnessing Light and Polymers to Address Fundamental Challenges in Chemistry and Biology 11:00 AM 2023-10-26 IPST 1116
12Oct A Research and Experiential Learning Program at the Nexus of Geoscience Disciplines 11:00 AM 2023-10-12 IPST 1116
28Sep Chemical and biochemical tools to probe the role of exopolysaccharides in bacterial biofilm formation 11:00 AM 2023-09-28 AV Williams 2460
13Sep Development of Catalytic Strategies for Advances in Polymer Sustainability 2:00 PM 2023-09-13 PLS 1140
7Sep Rational Design and Serendipity: Research Program on Synthesis Catalysis, Material and Bioorganic Chemistry 11:00 AM 2023-09-07 IPST 1116
15Nov Literature Seminar-- Tuning the Dielectric, Magnetic, and Electro-Optic Properties of BaTiO3-based Nanomaterials for Various Applications 11:00 AM 2023-11-15 IPST 1116