Go to an existing 2D-Noesy experiment (pulse program: noesyesfbgpph), type “edc” to copy its parameters and generate a new experiment number. Or in a new experiment, "rpar noesyesfbgpph".
*Pulse program noesyesfbgpph is based on noesyesgpph and have f2 and f3 channels included.
Type "edasp" to check and adjust spectrometer routing.
Type “eda”, set parameters td, ns, ds, sw, O1P, O2P and O3P if necessary.
In acquisition window, if sample is unlabeled, leave ZGOPTNS blank. If sample is N15 labeled, set ZGOPTNS "-DLABEL_N". If sample is N15 and C13 labeled, set ZGOPTNS "-DLABEL_CN".
Type “ased”, adjust power length and power level for 1H. If sample is labeled, you will need to check 15N and/or 13C power level and power length according. Or type "getprosol 1H A B" to set power related parameters. A is the pulse length in µs, and B is the power leverl in dB.
Set d8 (NOESY mixing time) around 90 ms for biomolecules, or 300-500 ms for small molecules; set pL32 70dB for water presaturation.
Users may consider using 2D-ROSEY for medium size molecules, MW 1000-3000 Da, mixing time 200ms. -
In gs mode, adjust O1P and p12 to achieve minimum FID area integral for water suppression.
Start the experiment by rga and zg.
Process the FID by typing “xfb”. Phase the spectrum when necessary.