Go to an existing experiment (pulse program: hsqcetgp), type “edc” to copy its parameters and generate a new experiment number. Or in an new experiment number "rpar HSQCETGP".
Type “eda”, set parameters td, ns, sw, O1P and O2P, CNST2. Note that CNST2 can be different for different C-H bond.
Type “ased” to adjust power length and power level for both 1H and 13C, including p1, pL1, p3, pL2, pL12, and pcpd2. Or type "getprosol 1H A B" to set power related parameters. A is the pulse length in µs, and B is the power leverl in dB.
Start the experiment by rga and zg; Process the FID by typing “xfb”. Phase the spectrum when necessary.