Contact Info
Office: CHM 2216
Phone: 301-405-8497
Bonnie Dixon
Principal Lecturer
- B.A, University of New Hampshire, 1992
- Ph.D., College of Medicine, University of Vermont, 1998
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, 1998-2000
- M.S.Ed., University of Pennsylvania, 2001
Research Interests
I am interested in the learning environment created within the classroom. Learning is an active process. I am exploring ways to create an active and positive learning environment within the context of large lectures. In addition, I am involved in curricular development. My goal in curricular development is to offer new and different ways to explore chemistry, which is a subject that is relevant for everyone.
Major Recognitions and Honors
- 1997 One of Best Presentations for Graduate Research Day, University of Vermont
- 1996 Graduate Education Advisory Council’s Travel Award to present graduate research, University of Vermont
- 1993 Graduate Teaching Award, Chemistry Department, University of Vermont
- 1991 Analytical Chemistry Award, University of New Hampshire
- 1991 Tech Alumni Achievement Award, University of New Hampshire
- 1990 Raymond B. Seymour Award presented to outstanding sophomore chemistry major, University of New Hampshire