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11 am
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Dynamics and Interactions in Biomolecules: Insight from NMR by High-resolution Relaxometry

Dr. Fabien Ferrage, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris

Host: Dr. David Fushman

Abstract: High magnetic fields have empowered NMR spectroscopists to probe large biomolecules with atomic resolution. Yet, investigating protein dynamics at very high magnetic fields is often challenging. We have developed, in collaboration with Bruker Biospin, a series of instruments that couple the sensitivity and resolution of high magnetic fields with the evolution of nuclear spins at lower fields, down to a few mT. I will show how coupling high- and low-field NMR has allowed us to decipher nanosecond motions in protein side chains, improve models of motions and detect transient interactions of metabolites and proteins in blood. 

Biochemistry Seminar

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