Event Start
Event Time
1:15 PM
IPST Building, Room 1116

Collective Response in Light-Matter Interactions: The Interplay Between Strong Coupling, Local Dynamics, and Disorder

Speaker: Dr. Abraham Nitzan, University of Pennsylvania

Host: Dr. Pratyush Tiwary, UMCP

Abstract: Because molecular size is much smaller than optical wavelengths molecules can interact with light collectively. Manifestations of such collective response depend on other factors such as dephasing and disorder. Under strong (molecules-light) coupling conditions such collective response can be more pronounced because collective modes are energy-shifted from the spectrum of individual emitters and appear as polaritonic spectral features in linear and non-linear optical signals. In this talk I will describe recent studies of several phenomena that reflect this interplay between collective response, local dynamics and (static and dynamic) disorder.

Statistical Physics Seminar

Event Start