- B.S., Chemistry, 1986, California Institute of Technology
- M.S., Chemistry, 1986, California Institute of Technology
- Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, 1991, Stanford University (NSF Graduate Fellow with Michael Fayer)
- Postdoctoral, 1991, University of Texas, Austin (NSF Postdoctoral Fellow with Mark Berg)
- Postdoctoral, 1993, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (NSF Postdoctoral Fellow with Keith Nelson)
Professional Experience
- Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Graduate Education, 2023-present
- Millard Alexander Professor of Chemistry, 2005-present
- Professor, Department of Chemistry, Boston College, 2001-2005
- Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Boston College, 2000-2001
- Assistant Professor, Boston College, 1994-2000
- Visiting Fellow, JILA, Boulder, Colorado, 2001-2002
Research Interests
Ultrafast nonlinear optical spectroscopy of liquids; dynamics of nanoconfined liquids; nonlinear optical microscopy; nontraditional approaches to micro- and nanofabrication; dynamics of single molecules and single nanoparticles; nonlinear absorption; nonlinear plasmonics; cellular biophysics.
Professional Societies
- American Chemical Society (ACS); American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow; American Physical Society (APS) Fellow; Materials Research Society (MRS); Optical Society of America (OSA) Fellow; Sigma Xi (ΣΞ); SPIE Senior Member.
Major Recognitions and Honors
- Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2023)
- Regents Faculty Award for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (2012)
- Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (1999);.
- Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (1998);
- Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar Award (1997);
- Beckman Young Investigator Award (1997);
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award (1995);
- Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award (1994);
- National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow (1992);
- National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow (1987)
Significant Professional Service and Activities
Frontiers in Nanotechnology: Specialty Chief Editor for Nanofabrication (2020-). American Chemical Society: Associate Editor, Journal of Physical Chemistry (2002-2019). American Physical Society: Secretary/treasurer, APS Division of Laser Science (2005-2008); Division of Laser Science Chair line (2011-2015); Division of Laser Science Councilor (2019-); APS Council Steering Committee (2020-2022). Telluride Scientific Research Center Board of Directors (2009-2011). Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation: Beckman Scholars Advisory Panel (2004-2005); Beckman Young Investigator Advisory Panel (2005-2009); Scientific Advisory Council (2009-present); Beckman Young Investigator Executive Committee (2011-2013). National Research Council: NRC postdoc advisory council (2007-2013). National Institutes of Health: Nanotechnology study section member (2008-2009). National Academy of Sciences: Frontiers in Science participant (1998); Frontiers in Science session organizer (2001); International Conference on NanoPhotonics: Technical Committee (2007-present).
Students Mentored
The Fourkas group has produced 30 PhDs and 10 MS degrees since 1994, and there are currently eight doctoral students and three postdoctoral fellows in the group. The group has also had over 50 undergraduates, the majority of whom have published in major journals while in the group.
Spectroscopy, materials, nanofabrication
Research in the Fourkas group lies at the intersection of physical chemistry, optical physics, materials science, nanotechnology, and cellular biophysics. Our research focuses on the use of ultrafast lasers and nonlinear optical techniques to probe, control and fashion condensed matter. Specific areas of interest include:
Nonlinear optical spectroscopy of liquids
Chemical and physical processes in liquids are governed by an intricate interplay between intermolecular structure and dynamics. This interplay becomes all the more important for processes that occur at liquid/solid interfaces, such as heterogeneous catalysis, lubrication, and separations. Our group uses nonlinear optical spectroscopy to study the relationship between the structure and dynamics of bulk liquids, confined liquids, and interfacial liquids. We are developing new spectroscopic tools for probing interface-specific dynamics of liquids, with a current particular interest being understanding the behavior of electrolyte solutions in polar, aprotic organic liquids at liquid/silica interfaces. We are also working on theoretical techniques to extract maximum information from experimental data from nonlinear optical techniques. This work is complemented by molecular dynamics simulations that give direct insights into molecular-level behavior and spectroscopic properties. (See: Natural Sciences 2022, 2, 20210099; Journal of Molecular Liquids 2023, 375, 121315)
Applications of multiphoton absorption
Multiphoton absorption, which is the simultaneous absorption of two or more photons, enables photophysical and photochemical events to be localized in regions with dimensions of 100 nm or less. We harness this phenomenon to perform high-resolution imaging and perform additive and subtractive manufacturing on these distance scales. We also develop methods for determining the order of multiphoton absorption down to the single nanoparticle limit, enabling us to elucidate the mechanisms underlying complex photochemical and photophysical events. (See: Frontiers in Nanotechnology 2022, 4; Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2019, 123, 7314–7322)
Understanding and controlling triplet dynamics
The generation of triplet states is often deleterious to photochemical and photophysical processes, as such states lower fluorescence quantum yields, can serve as bottlenecks to emission, and can even lead to permanent photobleaching. On the other hand, triplet states can be useful in applications such as driving radical reactions and upconverting the wavelength of incident light. We are using a combination of novel experimental methods, kinetic modeling, and rational design to develop new means of controlling triplet dynamics, with eyes towards a wide range of existing and new applications. (See: iScience 2022, 25, 103600; Phys. Chem. Chem Phys. 2022, 24, 28174–28190)
Multicolor lithography
Achieving better resolution in photolithography has typically relied on moving to ever shorter wavelengths of light for exposure. The semiconductor industry, for instance, is pushing forward with technology that is based on the use of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light, which is challenging to generate, propagate, and manipulate. We are exploring alternative methods of attaining similar resolution that are based on using multiple wavelengths of light in or near the visible range to achieve resolution that may rival that of EUV lithography. This project combines our expertise, and that of our collaborators, in photochemistry, optics, and materials. (See: Optical Materials Express 2019, 9, 3006–3020).
Cellular biophysics
The natural environments of living cells typically feature physical cues, such as collagen fibers, with some dimensions on the order of 100 nm. We use multiphoton fabrication, in combination with other methods, to create substrates with features in this size range. These substrates can be used to study and control the behavior of cells. We and our collaborators have discovered a new mechanism by which cells interaction with topography of this typical dimension: the topography causes selective nucleation and propagation of actin polymerization, in a phenomenon that we have named esotaxis. Esotaxis is broadly conserved across eukaryotic cell types, and offers new opportunities for controlling a wide range of cell behaviors. (See: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2023, 120, e2218906120; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2021, 118, e2021135118).